Sunday, June 18, 2006

Taggy Thingy

And then….
Didi tagged me. Idiot! Dumdum! Dummy!
(That’s for my sister)
Soooo… here goes-
Six weird things about me?

1. I used to scratch the wall under my bed secretly with a knife so that I could make a hole and crawl into it when I was sad.
2. I used to lie on my aunt’s bed and stare at the ceiling with my legs stretched erect above me.
3. Whether or not my sister sleeps on my left or on my right, I always manage to find her and kick or slap her in my sleep. The weird fact is,I never slap my mom.
4. I always talk I English in my sleep.
5. When I imitate someone’s weird behaviour, I start behaving like that myself.
6. I secretly wrap my mom’s dupatta around me and dance to hindi songs.

Ok………six other ‘to tag’ people.
1.shivkokroo(I don’t know any of these people)
2. valeria
5. bensittin

Whew! Now please don't bother me anymore!